Deltatrac II Metabolic Monitor
The individual nutritional needs of critically ill patients vary extremely; both overfeeding and negative energy balance are harmful. The only reliable method of designing and maintaining optimal nutrition in these patients is to measure their true energy expenditure.
This is exactly what the Deltatrac II indirect calorimeter is designed to do. The Deltatrac II is an easy-to-use tool enabling you to assess energy requirements and response to nutrition of patients requiring prolonged critical care. It measures caloric needs and estimates substrate oxidation of patients by continuously monitoring O2 consumption and CO2 production.
The Deltatrac II also helps you to solve clinical problems related to weaning patients from the ventilator. The measurement of gas exchange makes it possible to study the complex interrelations between energy metabolism, nutrition, lung functions and ventilator dependency, The device also produces essential information for analysis of ventilation and oxygen transport in patients with complex cardiorespiratory problems.
Datex-Ohmeda, 3030 Ohmeda Drive, P.O. Box 7550, Madison, WI 53707-7550. Tel: 608-221-1551; Fax: 608-222-9147.