Case Study

Hospital 'Sees' Old Data To Recoup 'Blind' A/R

After welcoming Jewish Hospital into Mercy Health, revenue cycle administration identified DataArk® as the solution for properly managing pre-acquisition/legacy accounts receivable. Both finance and senior leadership teams would benefit from consistent cash collections and comprehensive reporting as a result.

‘Active Archive’ Proves ‘Awesome’ Solution for Continued Collections and Compliance Amidst System Conversion

Mercy Health used DataArk® to restore visibility to Jewish Hospital’s legacy A/R files that had been partially ‘blind’ to Mercy Health staff, limiting their ability to access all of the data needed to perform daily account management tasks. DataArk provided a user-friendly A/R management system that ensures record retention and compliance at the click of a mouse for years to come.


Mercy Health would inherit, within six months of welcoming Jewish Hospital into its network in March 2010, a sizeable legacy data inventory from Jewish Hospital’s former system.

The data inventory – inclusive of patient accounting systeecords and tens of millions of dollars of old A/R – would also saddle Mercy Health with a near six-month backlog of financial postings and transactions pending authentication. With the information system conversion scheduled for 3Q 2010, a vendor was contracted to package and export the patient-level detail to Mercy Health.

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