White Paper: Motorola Enterprise Mobility Barometer: State Of Mobility In Healthcare
Enterprise mobility has emerged as a top strategic initiative among leading healthcare organizations to address these key industry-wide global issues. In fact, more than 80 percent of surveyed global information technology (IT) decision-makers within the healthcare industry stated that mobile technologies are more important to their organizations today than they were in 2008, according to a recently-commissioned research study by Motorola.
The Motorola Enterprise Mobility Healthcare Barometer also found that the utilization of key mobility applications attributed to a 31 percent reduction in manual errors, a high-profile industry pain point. Medication mistakes are among the most common medical errors in the U.S., harming at least 1.5 million people every year1. Additionally, the extra medical costs of treating drug-related injuries occurring in hospitals alone conservatively amount to $3.5B each year1. Other commonly cited mobility benefits include increased employee productivity, increased compliance accuracy for quality reporting and increased order fulfillment accuracy.
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